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Grounded in the Present for the Love of the Future.

Do you ever remember your school experience as a child and think:

"Why was school so boring?" 

"My teachers didn't understand me."

"You couldn't pay me to go back and do it over again."

"I wish I would've done better."

"I wish I would've cared more."

Or perhaps you have a student experiencing this right now?

How would you feel if I told you there were reasons and answers for all of these questions!?

As an adult, the first time I walked into a Montessori classroom I thought, "This is it! This is what I was missing! I love this school, I want to know more! This is how I can help other children not to have the same experience I did."

If any of this sounds interesting to you, we should talk! Looking forward to hearing from you!


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Preparing Your Home with Intention. Learn how to foster independence at home.

An independent child is a confident child. A confident child is a happy child. A happy child is far less likely to engage in power struggles + is prepared for academic learning success!