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How to Know if Montessori is a Good Fit For You

As a Montessori trained Educator I often hear people say that Montessori is for every child but not for every parent. I really couldn't agree more. For best results for children, parents, and teachers, parents need to know what they're getting into with an authentic Montessori program, because it's way different than a traditional program. Montessori is not for every parent and as a result may not be for every child either. (Which is okay, too!)

  • If you prefer standardized testing as a measure of your child's success, you may not be good fit for Montessori.

This doesn't mean teachers or guides don't test your students knowledge on a subject or curriculum area. It just means it's done in a different way then a standardized test.

  • If you prefer your child to be with a group of children that are the same age as your child, you may not be a good fit for Montessori.

(There is nothing wrong with wanting your child to be in a group of children the same age.)


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