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Confessions of a Montessori Mom

Do you ever feel like taking the cookie dough into the closet so you can eat it in blissful silence? If so, you are not alone my Mama Friends! 

Tonight, we made cookies and well, it didn't go as smoothly as it has in the past. There was a lot of screeching, demanding, and wanting it her way. After a long day of work myself, I had to muster up all the patience I had left to remind her that, "she needs my help with some things and that's just the way it is." Although with a lack of patience, I did say out loud, "This is not very fun." I had to chuckle a little because after I said it, she started mimicking, "not fun, not fun." The whole point of making cookies is because it's meant to be fun!

Which brings me to the whole point of this article: Mastering the Fear Gremlins. I listen to podcasts on the way to work almost everyday. I've been hearing tons of buzz about the Fear Gremlins: perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and comparisonitis. Stay with me for just a minute because I...

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You Can Have it All...Just Not All at Once

How many times do we have to set ourselves up for failure with extreme goal setting before we realize it's not actually helping us at all? Sure, you'll get a lot done in a shorter amount of time. The big issue is the tole it takes on all of your loved ones as they try to be in your life as you tackle such extreme goals. I would guess if you're the type of person that sets these kinds of goals you steadfastly set out to conquer them. Think about your quality of life when you do this. You may think it's ok, especially because once you accomplish your goal it will all be better, or you'll have reached the finish line. I've got news for you, there will always be something else after you've accomplished your big goal, the one that was going to free you from all of your stress, and the one that was going to provide you with everything you've been striving for.

Sometimes in our lives we have epiphany's. Those epiphany's lead us into the next steps of our lives. It may be as...

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