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How to Get Your Child EXCITED about Reading + 8 Activities You Can Start Today

Could you use some fun (and screen-free) activities for your toddler this summer??

It’s never too early to develop a love of reading, so read on for some easy strategies to help your child prepare for reading. Guiding your child through the reading process can be easy and even enjoyable for you if you begin when their period for language is primed and ready.

Here you will find a helpful overview of some activities you can do with your child aged 18 to 20 months and older.  If you’re interested in a more thorough guide on Montessori and language development as a whole, I’d love to connect and see how I can support you. I love to focus on toddlers because they are fascinating. I also happen to have one. In addition to my love for the toddlers, my formal training is with children of the early childhood aged three to six. (I have tons of ideas for this whole span and to help you meet your child where they are.)

Why Workbooks Alone Don’t Work

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An independent child is a confident child. A confident child is a happy child. A happy child is far less likely to engage in power struggles + is prepared for academic learning success!