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30 Days to Intentional Parenting

Welcome to the Intentional Parenting 30 day challenge!!!

Why does it Matter if I parent with Intention?

Parenting with Intention means you are increasing your odds of raising an independent child.

An independent child is a confident child.

A confident child is a happy child.

A happy child is less likely to engage in power struggles with you  + they are ready to thrive academically.

And isn’t a happy, thriving, child what this parenting thing is all about?

How it Works:

Over the next 30 days we’ll be posting 30 simple and inspiring tips and tricks you can start right away with your little one.

We’ve teamed up with some awesome affiliate partners to bring you the simple resources you will need to complete the suggested tips + tricks.

All you have to do is post a picture of the tip you tried with the hashtag #thrivingchild. At the end of the challenge we’ll be giving away a starter kit with a handful of the featured items in the tips + tricks provided...

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Preparing Your Home with Intention. Learn how to foster independence at home.

An independent child is a confident child. A confident child is a happy child. A happy child is far less likely to engage in power struggles + is prepared for academic learning success!